• "Being on vacation is having nothing to do and having all day to do it" Robert Orben

About cookies on this website

What is a cookie?

A cookie is a small data file stored on your computer (or tablet, smartphone) when you browse this site. Almost all websites use this technical means to store information about the pages consulted by Internet users. This is done in order to remember the preferences and display settings from one page consulted to another.

Use of cookies

We use cookies on this website to :

  • To remember your consent on the categories of cookies that will be used during your navigation.
  • To ensure the proper functioning of this site.
  • To ensure the security of your connection.
  • To facilitate your navigation and user experience.
  • To establish anonymous traffic statistics in order to continually improve our services.

The data recorded in these cookies does not allow us to identify you personally (name, first name, address, etc.). They are kept for a maximum of 12 months, after which they are automatically deleted and you are asked to give your consent to the cookies.

The categories of cookies used on the website :

  • Essential

These cookies are essential to the operation of the website and cannot be disabled.

Used cookies : PHPSESSID, buildeo_gdpr_compliance, SERVERID, wp-settings-time-2

  • Google cookie (reCAPTCHA)

We use Google reCAPTCHA from Google Inc. (Google) on the Contact page of the website to protect form entries on the website and to block automatic requests from spam bots (read more: Google reCAPTCHA).

This service is subject to the Google Inc. privacy policy and terms of use.

In order to function, this service analyses your IP and sets cookies. The data collected during the analysis is transmitted to Google to enable it to assess the risks associated with the use of the form.

The processing of this data is based on Article 6, paragraph 1, point f of the RGPD; Maguide has a legitimate interest in protecting its site against abusive automated exploration and spam.

  • Audience measurement / statistics

These cookies make it possible to carry out anonymous statistics of visits with Google Analytics, thus allowing us to improve the site to offer you a better user experience.

Used cookies : ga, _gat*, _gid

On your first visit to this website, your consent is requested to use third-party statistical cookies but not for cookies essential to the operation of the website, nor for Google cookies in connection with reCAPTCHA.

If you have any technical problems relating to the use of cookies on this site, you can contact us using the contact form on the site or by post at the address given in the legal notice.

You can withdraw your previously given consent to the use of third party cookies from this site by going to the legal notice page under “Cookies”.

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